Pure Romance Exclusive
(check the Facebook Post on the Pure Romance on Tour Page too)
This is a fun opportunity to bring together clients and friends at a Pure Romance Event online! You get to distribute samples/products (depending on the package level you sell) and this time you’re the Host! (No pressure on your client - the night will be a successful movie night no matter what).
Our in-home opportunity is available after it’s released wide on JUNE 2nd, 2020 BUT before then you can utilize it now!
Lock In Your Date!
Screening dates are EXCLUSIVE in each city/town for the date/s booked March-July 1 so get yours now!
Complete the form below!
We will get back to you ASAP. Once you have chosen the theatre, you are responsible for signing the contract with the theater for your event and paying any rental fee required for where you screen the film and host your party or event.
We will send you a marketing materials you can use for your promotions.
Should you create a Facebook Event (which we recommend), you may name the movie director @AngelaShelton007 and @eagleandthealbatross as co-hosts of the event. Angela and many of the cast members will happily engage with your audiences.
Here are some clips of our Pure Romance consultants (actor Nancy La Scala and consultant/actor Breeanna Judy) appear in the film with products you may want to have available:
“Never Lookin' Back” Written and Performed by Heather Stewart and Peter Andrews Courtesy of Spelvis Music and American River Music
A Word from Consultant Breeanna Judy & Director Angela Shelton
A Word from Director Angela Shelton
From left to right: BREANNA JUDY who plays Missy | Writer, Director ANGELA SHELTON who also plays the role of Tracy in EAGLE & THE ALBATROSS | Ritchie Montgomery (Billy) | Michael Badalucco (Merle)
When I cast the talented Breeanna Judy to play the role of Missy opposite me in Eagle and the Albatross I had no idea how many extra talents (and toys) she came with!
When she offered to help me coordinate adult toy items to be featured in the film, I had no idea that she was a consultant for PURE ROMANCE and had been for years!
Pure Romance provided a box of toys to be used as props; primarily featured are Frenzy, Stella, and Vibrating Pleasure Beads that the character Debra (played by Nancy La Scala, Jersey Boys, Species), who plays a Pure Romance consultant on the side, uses to supplement her income.
When the film was finishing up in post-production, our marketing team organized a series of test screenings to gauge audience reactions before making final tweaks. One of our biggest surprises was that not only was the movie a crowd pleaser but the audience who rated it the highest were ALL WOMEN. When asked what their favorite parts were, they unanimously wrote in their questionnaires: the Sex Toys.
Our distributor said that we’d somehow pulled off the seemingly impossible task of making LADIES interested in a golf movie!
When we shared our findings with Breanna Judy she said consultants screen movies quite often but the extra gem in this movie is that it features a character that IS a consultant AND has a real Pure Romance Consultant actually IN the movie! (Breeanna plays Missy!)
We realized how important and relatable this is, not to mention hilariously fun!
Your EXCLUSIVE theatrical window is March-July 2020 for you to book your events IN THEATERS!
Below is info about how to bring the party to your town to share laughs, love and make some cash. Some consultants either have their VIP ticket prices come with a “gift bag” or they sell items after the movie.
Hit ‘em straight!
Remember to Lock In Your Date!
Screening dates are EXCLUSIVE in each city/town for the date/s booked, so get yours now!
How do I CHOOSE A THEATER to rent? Any movie theater in the USA can be the venue to host your Pure Romance event. Rather than renting a screening room from a bigger national chain, art-house theater owners can be way more flexible and amenable in terms of rental pricing.
Regal and AMCs tend to run 3-4K a pop for their rental fees so we recommend staying with art house theaters or Cinemark or your own local theater connections!
PROLUDIO: Many art-house theaters are part of a network called PROLUDIO that already have access to our film through their “Proludio system.” There are a list of theaters around the country who have the film already in their Proludio systems and their rental prices tend to be very reasonable: Click here for a list of those theaters.
CINEMARK THEATERS: These theaters are in many states and are easy to work with. GO HERE to submit your booking requests with them and some stock answers are below. CINEMARK RENTAL FEES: Each theater territory has different prices but this is an average: If you are able to screen on a Wednesday afternoon at a medium-volume theater for 100 people, it will probably be around $1000-$1500. If you want a Saturday night in NYC for 300 people, it might be $5000. In general, an average would typically be $1330-$1680.
Here are some answers for you to use in bold.
Do you have the rights to the film? Yes, I purchased a license from Eagle and the Albatross LLC and I have CCed the producer, Angela Shelton.
What format is the film in? DCP
MPAA rated or anticipated to be MPAA rated? If so, what is the rating? Not rated, but will be PG-13 at the most.
Does the film have a distributor representing them? If so, Who? Yes, 101 Films International and Eagle and the Albatross LLC owns the US theatrical.
National theatrical release date? If yes, when? They started a special events tour (which I’m a part of) on March 1st. The theatrical rights are March 1-July 1, 2020.
Does the film have a Video on Demand release date? If yes, when? Yes, tentative date June 2, 2020.
Will the film be released on DVD/Blu-ray? If yes, When? Tentative July.
How long is the film? 96 min
What time do you want the film to start?
Do you need additional time in the auditorium? If yes, how long and before or after the film?
Brief description or purpose of event (cast/crew, employee or client appreciation, educational, fundraiser, etc.):
Discover new IDEAS for screening rooms: Maybe you are new to an area and/or not sure which are the best screening rooms to host your event. Simply search “movie theaters” in YELP or Google with your zip code. More often than not you’ll discover an art house theater that would LOVE for you to host such an Event. It‘s always a plus to meet directly with a Theater owner (this will also increase your Pure Romance network!)
Think outside-the-box - GOLF COURSES: You can even set up a screening at a golf course and play it for the ladies leagues and then have a party afterwards. Remember women LOVE this movie, while the grumpy old men can get a bit fidgety about the Pure Romance products… so setting up an event for a group of ladies golf leagues is a way better and more fun event! And they can bring their fellas if they want!
Can you help me contact the theaters? Yes! Just reach out to us on the form below. Many theater managers know us already, especially the Proludio ones. We are happy to call and get rates for you but it’s faster if you do it, especially if you have a personal contact with a theater you’ve used in the past!
What if the movie is already playing in a theater or film festival? BONUS. You can skip paying for a license and a rental fee and just buy tickets in bulk. If you need to have a completely private event, you’ll need to buy out the whole theater, like in Montrose, PA, Austin, TX and Bethlehem, PA.
You have to follow the Pure Romance rules as you know. Some consultants for example are buying tickets and then upselling them with swag bags that are given to clients who don’t open them in public. YOU know your rules to follow. There are more IDEAS at the bottom of this page.
Can I have a PARTY AT HOME?": Of course! We will set up a Vimeo link for you to show the movie BEFORE it is available to the public! You only need to pay for the in-home license.
We work with YOU on a Case-by-Case basis: We realize that events are as varied as consultants! Once you book a license fee or buy tickets in bulk to an existing show - we will help you as much as we can to make your event a success!
Don’t forget to sell several Levels of Tickets: See at the bottom of the Page the example of our LA Pure Romance Event, hosted by Pure Romance Consultant Breeanna Judy. Hers worked so well that she set up three more events.
Be flexible with the date of your Event. You can often get discounted theater rental prices on Weekdays. So why not throw your Event on a Thursday rather than a Saturday night?
Communicate with us! Make sure to let us know the date of your Event as soon as it is booked. We can share your Event, Create Promotional Materials, and Help you connect with audiences. So please be in touch for a successful event!
Does it cost extra for us to Create Promotional Materials? NO! We love things to look pretty and match. We have various styles of material to tailor make for you from social memes to flyers (that you can then print).
Use FACEBOOK: Should you create a Facebook Event (which we recommend), you may name the movie director @AngelaShelton007 as co-host of the event, if you wish as well as @eagleandthealbatross. Angela is very excited about this partnership and she will happily engage with all of your audiences online.
Have more questions? Reach out to us!
Pure Romance Event Examples:
Our Los Angeles Event is being hosted by Breeanna Judy and will take place on Saturday February 29 at the Raleigh Theater.
LOS ANGELES premiere
Contact Breeanna Judy for more information
Breanna’s Event included 3 Levels of Tickets:
Each level had a swag bag, the more expensive, the more exciting the swag for her clients!
You don’t have to play golf to play ball!
When the film played for a week in Montrose, PA Breeanna set up a Pure Romance party after the Sunday 1pm screening.
For a $20 Ticket, ladies got to see the movie (matinee of $5) and be entered into a raffle at the party where there were snacks, tea and bubbly.
The cost of the tickets covered the movie ticket, snacks and drinks, and then Breeanna kept the sales from the party.
You can do the same!
If there is a theater or festival already playing the movie - take advantage and set up a party!